
Swiss Institute of Allergy
and Asthma Research

G. Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology

Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

The University of Manchester

Eliava BioPreparations
Bacteriophages for
Human health
10 partners | 7 countries

Exelixis Research Management

European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations

Medical University of Lodz
University of Athens
Professor Nikolaos Papadopoulos

Professor Nikolaos Papadopoulos. MD, PHD is Professor of Allergy and Paediatric Allergy and Head of the Allergy Unit, 2nd Paediatric Clinic of the NKUA ( He completed his undergraduate and post-graduate studies at the NKUA and continued with his specialist training in Paediatric and Allergology in the NKUA and the UK. He also holds a Chair at the University of Manchester, UK and is Past President of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) – the world’s largest scientific organization in the field of Allergology. Focusing on respiratory viral infections and their association to reactive airway disease, he has published more than 250 papers with over 17000 citations (H-index: 55, i10-index: 183), received several international awards and is invited to speak at international scientific meetings some 30 times a year. He has extensive experience in EU projects, participating in all Framework Programs since FP4 and recently completed coordinating the FP7 PreDicta. Ηe has supervised 17 PhD students and currently supervises 4 thesis projects.
University of Manchester
Professor David Robertson

Professor David Robertson is Professor of Computational and Evolutionary Biology exploring viral and molecular evolution, genomics and disease. He has over 150 publications looking into viral diversity and evolution, metagenomics and the virome, viral analysis workflows, viral-host interaction networks, human disease & mutation and digital signal processing for next generation sequencing data. His team has created various computational tools for metagenomic and sequence analysis including Alignment_by_numbers: sequence analysis using numerical representations and compressed transformations BioNerDS: text mining bioinformatics database and software names, CTree: cluster analysis for phylogenetic trees, Coverage: characterization of HIV-1 k-mer space, Interview: 2D visualisation of network data, JNets: network visualisation and analysis tool, MrGBP: multi- resolution genomic binary patterns method, Recombination resources: tools for analysis of recombinant sequences, Segminator: analysis of high-throughput viral sequence data, Trogen: genotypic HIV-1 tropism prediction, and TVi: network visualisation in a phylogenetic context.
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research
Dr Mübeccel Akdis

Dr Mübeccel Akdis SIAF. Dr Akdis is working in the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF) since 1995 and received her PhD in Immunology. Dr Akdis worked as a postdoctoral scientist and became a group leader at SIAF, where she has established her own research group in 2003. Dr Akdis made her habilitation (Venia Legendi) in Zurich University Medical Faculty on Experimental Immunology in 2005 and became a professor in 2015. Her major research contributions are on mechanisms of allergen tolérance, high dose allergen exposure models in humans, mechanisms of allergen-specific immunotherapy, functions of T regulatory cells, NK regulatory cells and IL-10 producing human B regulatory cells. She has received research grants and collaborative grants from the Swiss National Foundation and European Union. She received numerous awards, including Ferdinand Wortman Prize, Professor Hans Storck Award, Sedat Simavi Medicine Award. She is in the editorial board of the Journals Allergy, European Journal of Immunology, International Archieves of Allergy Immunology and served her term in the éditorial board of Journal of Allergy Clinical Immunology between 2011 and 2015. She worked in the Immunology Section Board of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Se is currently board member of the World Allergy Organization (WAO), and has taken active roles in the organization of several EAACI Davos, Immunology Winter Schools and all of the World Immune Regulation Meetings (WIRM) since their initiation in 2007. She has more than 200 publications, h:index is 58, articles cited more than 100 times is 36, total impact factor of her publications is 1204.
Biomedical Research Foundation
Academy of Athens
Dr Evangelos Andreakos

Dr Evangelos Andreakos, PhD is Principal Investigator and Associate Professor at the Centre for Translational and Clinical Research at BRFAA. Dr Andreakos trained in Immunology at Imperial College London and the Kennedy Institute for over 10 years. He has published 50 articles in leading international journals such as PNAS, Science Transl Med, Circulation, Blood, EMBO Mol Med and Αm J Respir Crit Care Med,, half of which as main author (first or last), and has contributed chapters to influential books in the field including the Global Atlas of Allergies commissioned by EAACI. He is a regular referee for high impact journals (J Clin Invest, Science Transl Med, Blood, EMBO Mol Med, J Allergy Clin Immunol etc) and an Expert Evaluator/Panel member for several funding bodies including the European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France), Asthma Research UK, Netherlands Lung Foundation and the Catalonian Agency of Health and Technology. He is also an inventor in three patents on mechanisms and experimental therapeutics for respiratory diseases. Dr Andreakos research focuses on the role of innate immunity in respiratory infections, exacerbations of respiratory disease (asthma and COPD) and modulation of respiratory inflammation. He has long experience in mouse models of respiratory infections (HRV, influenza etc), allergic airway inflammation, asthma and COPD, and has recently developed unique mice for the tracking and ablation of macrophage/DC subpopulations. He also has unique know-how on basic immunology, macrophage/DC biology, transcriptomics and mouse lung physiology.
Giorgi Eliava Institute
of Bacteriophagy, Microbiology and Virology
Dr. Nina Cahnishvili

Dr. Nina Cahnishvili has been working at the Eliava Institute of Bacteriophage, Microbiology and Virology since 1976. During her career she has grown from the position of Junior researcher to Head of Research and Development. During the period 1997-2016 Dr. Chanishvili has been managing participating in about 40 projects, funded by local and international funding organizations, such as RNSF, CRDF, GRDF, INTAS, ISTC, NATO Science for Peace, SNSF, EU 7FP, etc. In EU 7FP-2011-IAPP-286464 (NanoBacteriophageSERS) she played a role of a work package manager. She has participated in many Consortia meetings (kick-off, interim and final). Thus, Dr. Chanishvili is familiar with the FP rules, especially as management procedures of the EC projects throughout the project life cycle (day-to-day management, reporting, audit, etc.). She has > 10 years of teaching experience at different Georgian universities. Four PhD and over 15 MSc thesis have been implemented under Dr. Chanishvili’s supervision. She has been a reviewer of several impact factor journals and worked as an evaluator of EU and GNSF projects. She is an author of over 120 abstracts, articles and monographs.
Eliava BIO Preparations LTD
Dr. Marina Goderdzishvili

Dr. Marina Goderdzishvili
Academic Degrees : PhD in Microbiology - Moscow Gamalea Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology ; High Attestation Commission of the USSR, Moscow
Work Experience : 1983- at present - G.Eliava Institute of Bacteriophages, Microbiology and Virology, Head of the Laboratory of General Microbiology
Since 2008 - at present - Eliava BioPreparations, Ltd. Leading scientist. Head of the group. 12 international grant projects; 15 publications ; 44 abstracts in scientific forums; 6 patents.